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Date: 2023-07-13 Source: Bazhong Daily
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July 12,The city’s foreign investment and private enterprise coordination service symposium was held。Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee、Mayor Gao Pengling attended and emphasized,We must thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the bet365 live online casino of Bet365 lotto reviewthe private economy,Pragmatically solve difficult corporate problems,Government and enterprise meet each other halfway,Create a good business environment,Make the real economy solid, strong and excellent。Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Yu Zaigang presided over the symposium。

Gao Pengling listened carefully to everyone’s speech,On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, we sincerely thank the entrepreneurs for their persistence and dedication。He said,Entrepreneurs are the heroes of this era,In three years of epidemic and implementation of new coronavirus infection“Class B B pipe”Since,grit your teeth and persist,By strengthening management、Exploring potential within、Open up the market,obtained new bet365 live online casino,Very valuable。Every entrepreneur takes root in Bazhong,Brings business energy、Popularity,For local bet365 live online casino、Making outstanding contributions to the employment of common people,Thank you for everyone’s efforts。

Gao Penngling hopes that Bet365 app downloadthe company will strengthen its confidence in bet365 live online casino。He said,From central to local areas,They are all encouraging and supporting the bet365 live online casino and growth of the private economy and private enterprises。current,Bazhong got rid of the thousand-year poverty label,Transportation infrastructure continues to improve,Urban and rural areas take on a new look,Go all out to develop the real economy,Resolutely implement“Industry prospers the city、Create a strong market”Strategy,The economy is showing a stable and improving trend,It also provides a broader platform and good opportunities for enterprises to develop in Pakistan。I hope everyone will strengthen their confidence,Take root in Bazhong and continue to grow bigger and stronger。

Gao Penngling’s request,Governments and functional departments at all levels must pragmatically solve the difficult problems existing in enterprise bet365 live online casino。Solving problems is to promote bet365 live online casino,Regarding the employment Bet365 app downloadreported by the enterprise、Element guarantee、Qualification processing and other issues,To create a ledger,Clear the responsible unit,Establish a special class、Implement dedicated personnel to work hard to solve the problem。

Gao Penngling emphasized,Government and enterprises must jointly create a good business environment。The government requires enterprises to ";Service if needed、Don’t disturb anything”,Enterprises must dare to report various outstanding problems encountered in the business environment。Hope that both government and enterprises will work together、Walk towards each other,Anchor“The best in the province、First-class in the country”Target,Work together to create the rule of law、Facilitation、Efficient business environment,Contribute more to the high-quality bet365 live online casino of Bazhong and China。

At the symposium,Informed on the handling of matters reflected in the foreign investment and private enterprise coordination service symposium in the first quarter of 2023;Bazhong Daodi Agricultural Products Development Co.Bet365 Online bet365 live online casino Dealer, Ltd.、12 foreign-invested enterprises including Nanjiang Huanyong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.、Private enterprises spoke enthusiastically,Proposed matters that need to be coordinated and resolved。Counties, districts and relevant functional departments responded to difficult issues raised by enterprises。

Municipal leader Yu Xinyan and municipal government secretary-general Zhang Xiqian attended。