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Your location:Homepage>News Center>Current affairs newsApril 30,Bazhong City’bet365 Bet365 lotto review casino bettings 2024 comprehensive emergency drill for flood prevention and disaster reduction was held in Enyang District,Based on preventing major floods、Grab big risks、Rescue disaster,Promote improvement through drills,Further strengthen comprehensive emergency response capabilities for flood prevention and disaster reduction。Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee、Mayor、Gao Penngling, commander-in-chief of the Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, attended and announced the start of the drill。
9:50 AM,Gao Penngling announced: Bazhong City’bet365 Bet365 lotto review casino bettings 2024 comprehensive emergency drill for flood prevention and disaster reduction will now begin!
This drill simulates heavy rain in some areas of Bazhong City,Bet365 lotto review of landslides occurred in many places in Enyang District、Collapse geological disaster,Cause damage Bet365 app downloadto house、People trapped,Electricity、Communication、Dangerous situations such as road interruption。This drill is divided into early warning responses、Hedging transfer、Emergency Response、Terminated response to four accounts,With“Comprehensive performance at the main training ground + spot performance at the sub-training ground + video recording”,A total of 13 rescue teams from Bazhong City and Enyang District participated in the drill。
After the exercise,Experts from Sichuan Province Emergency Management Expert Database、Yang Yi, senior flood and drought disaster engineer, summarized and commented on this drill。He said,This exercise is well organized、Careful deployment,Specific plan、Clear responsibilities,bet365 Bet365 lotto review casino bettingClear process、Proper command,Strengthening through actual combat、Good coordination,Achieved performance instead of training、The purpose of training to promote combat。Suggest checking and filling in the gaps、Summary experience,Further improve the ability to prevent and respond to emergencies,Make every effort to protect the safety of people’s lives and property。
Before the drill begins,Gao Penngling inspected the rescue equipment display。
Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government、Li Benyong, Commander of the Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters、Yu Xinyan and Zhang Xiqian, Secretary General of Bet365 lotto review。
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