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Bet365 betting websiteDate: 2022-07-15
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From the municipal government“1+6”Since the introduction of a series of policies to stabilize growth,Bazhong Zhengde bet365 live casino app., Ltd. actively organizes research on relevant policies,In conjunction with the policies related to stabilizing growth issued by the country and the province,Develop implementation measures,Strengthen implementation,Contribute to the city’s efforts to stabilize growth, stabilize market entities and maintain employment。

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Implement dedicated personnel to contact customers,Actively bet365 bet365 live casino app casino and sports bettingpromote the city’s policies related to stabilizing growth to customers,Mainly on fiscal and taxation policies、Financial support policy、Project Investment Policy、Promote employment policies and other aspects that involve the vital interests of customers。

 2. Comprehensive coordination and communication

Strengthen coordination with banks and other financial institutions,Understand the latest bank bet365 live casino app,Be a good communication bridge between customers and banks,Strive for internal bank interest rate cuts for customers、Interest-free and other related bet365 live casino app,Reduce customer burden。

  3. Effective implementation

bet365 bet365 live casino app slot machineImplementing policies related to reducing guarantee fees,Reduce the guarantee rate for new financing guarantee business to 1%。For customers affected by the epidemic,Implementing a deferral policy for guarantee fees,Conducting research with banks at the same time,Avoid customer loan rating degradation through loan restructuring,Affecting credit reporting。End of June,After many negotiations between the company and Great Wall West China Bank,Complete a loan restructuring involving a pension project,Loan repayment method changed from fixed repayment to flexible repayment,Reduce customer repayment pressure,Bet365 app downloadAt the same time, the guarantee fee charged by the company is 2.5% reduced to 1%。