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Date: 2022-11-25
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According to the requirements of the "Notice on Organizing the Annual Legal Examination for National Staff in the Province in 2022",In order to strengthen the legal ideological understanding of corporate employees,Improve the legal literacy of all Bet365 Online Live Dealeremployees,Bazhong Xinhui Financial Services Co., Ltd. organized a total of 12 employees to participate in the annual legal examination online learning work,And completed the annual law study exam on November 25th,Participation rate in law study and law test tasks within the specified time period、The pass rate reaches 100%,Achieved good results。

By carrying out law study and examination,Further promotes the institutionalization and standardization of bet365 live casino applearning and usage,Improving employees’ legal decision-making、Management according to law、Ability and level of handling affairs in accordance with the law,Promote the legal thinking of all employees to a new level。